Cutting costs. |
There are many reasons to hire actors, dancers, playwrights, directors and technicians in your business. They understand working efficiently, saving money, and are deadline driven. They're also quite good at public speaking and finding creative ways to solve problems.
You might be worried about flakiness but that's an easily busted myth. Performers and production personnel have been trained since day one to be on time -- even early -- to every meeting, which brings us to our first reason to hire a performer.
1. Time Management
Performing artists have understood work/life/show balance since before it was popular. They work full time, are in a show, and writing a play -- and none of it on company time. How's that for balance? Performers who keep the drama on the stage want nothing to do with it in the office. They want to get their work done and get on with the rest of their very full lives. Remember, if you want something done, ask a busy person.
2. Presentation
Sets, lights, costumes, makeup, angles, finding your light. These are second nature to people who've been in a show or a hundred. They are presentable, they enjoy playing the part at work, and they can put their polish on things that need it. Your decor, your website, your social media, thee way you engage clients might benefit from a "note" or two from a person who cares. Speaking of notes...
3. Taking Notes
In "the business," taking a note means changing your performance, without complaining, and doing it immediately. Talk about taking direction, that's all people in the performing arts do.
4. Insight
Looking for an outsider's opinion? How about the opinion of someone you don't understand? Do you know who can think like other people? People who get paid to think like other people.
5. Sales
And if a performer can get into character (understand how other people think) they can surely communicate, engage, and sell your clients. It's a performance for one but, instead of applause, they get paid. For doing something they love doing and are very, very good at.
7. Copywriting
Good writing draws you in and performers are great at using words to draw people in. They also know what works, and what doesn't. Here's a secret: every actor wants to write, not because they are so much better but because a lot of what they get handed is not good and they're not allowed to change it. So much energy on getting words right and a lot of great, unused ideas are in the minds of most performers. Could you use a creative person looking at, rewriting, or creating engaging copy?
6. What are you waiting for?
How do you recruit performers and technicians? It's not that hard. Look at your talent pool, go to social media and look for the folks who are in a show, working on costumes, volunteering at a theater, etc. They exist in the workforce because performing doesn't pay as well as you do. If you can trade a little flexibility (yes, they may need to leave right at five to get to rehearsal but remember how they always show up 30 minutes early?), you could reap the rewards of hiring a performer. And there are usually free tickets to be had, too.